My poor old Nikes have seen better days. Not only do they look tired, but the tread is half worn, and they have no cushioning left in them whatsoever. They have served me well, with many hours at the gym, aerobic and pump classes and lots of walks, and often just general comfort. I have had them for four years and was really pleased that I bought them, even though they weren't cheap. I have chronic achilles tendonitis and also have calf problems (on the same side), so correct footwear for me is imperative. I can remember my last shoes, I could barely walk in them, and them my achilles problem was helped more by the new Nikes than the $400+ orthotics which I bought. Mind you I still wear the orthotics, they are quite comfortable. I probably should really have them renewed. My hip problem is - I believe also at the crux of my foot problem. I think it exacerbates the calf and the achilles and also the area on the inside of my foot, around the inside of my ankle bone. Funnily enough I have no pain in my shoes, but have to be careful barefoot or in my house shoes. Anyway, I digress terribly, that was not the topic of my post.
Yesterday morning, I thought to my self, I would really like to go and have a look at Athletes Foot and see about some new walking/running shoes. I also need some new walking gear, as my stuff is looking rather faded and even some of the new stuff is baggy and I like firm pants (without saggy knees in them). I told myself that if I got some extra work within the next four weeks, over and above the contracted work, I would shout myself some new stuff, so perhaps it wasn't wise to go and have a look when I didn't want to spend any money yet. Lo and behold, not ten minutes after my decision, one of the teachers rang me and asked me to work Monday!! Unbelievable!! I also had a phone call from a girlfriend asking me to meet her for coffee and lunch - well if that wasn't a sign, I don't know what was.
I went to Athletes Foot, after a lovely coffee and lunch with galpal Lisa - and the people in there were incredibly helpful. I ended up buying a cool pair of Mizunos. They fitted me like a glove and were soo comfortable, I felt like I was walking on air. I walked out of there in my new Mizunos a very happy camper. I told them of my endeavour to run - said it was one of those dreams I'd harboured for so long, but that I'd often had doubts - I mean are some people just not meant to run?? I am not a born runner, I am not a born athlete full stop. But I have a hope that I can master this. With following the C25k program, slow and easy I think I can do it. They told me at AF to take it easy, and that I would be okay. I read on the WW forums about women trying it all the time, and they weigh much more than I do, some of them over 20kg than me - so I know physically I should be able to do it.
So, I get up this morning, all looking forward to trying out the Mizunos and the new walking gear. (I stopped into Rebel Sports on my way home). I felt the part and dh was constantly groping my rear end, 'cause he said it looked damn good!! Got the family organized, lunch all round, donned the Mizunos and the rain just poured out of the sky!! And it was cold! It was foul!! Stuff it, we decided, take the mobile if it rains darling husband would come and collect us. I went out to the porch to stretch my calf and achillies pre-run and it was so dark that it was obvious it was going to pour again soon.
Peeved, we went inside, I changed into tracksuit pants and ugh boots, resigned to not jogging today - I was so excited too, because Billy-Joe was all pumped to come with me. I sat down at the computer and perused the boards at Cool Runnings.
I kept getting up and staring out all the windows - Billy-Joe was resting and was not happy that I was obviously not relaxed, so he just said, 'How about, we just go?'. What a honey......what a darling child!! We went.
Week 2, Day 1 C25k and we kicked butt. Next time we will take some ventolin, Billy-Joe struggled a bit. I told him that doing this would improve his lung capacity. He was excited and pumped. He even said that he would enter more events at the Sports Carnival and that he was feeling better since we'd started walking together. This is so cool. It's so awesome that we can spend time together like this. He is just the best companion. We just floated home! The hill in Elizabeth St and our St seemed so easy, we both commented on how it didn't feel half as steep as normal.....
And those Mizunos! I know good shoes are important, I'd done enough research to know that, I just didn't believe they would actually make it easier for me. I felt so much more sure footed. I was cushioned underneath and felt more secure in my shoe.
I won't be able to jog this week, anymore, with working four days - it will be Friday before I can go out again. I don't care if the 8 week program takes me 14 weeks, I will just persevere.......
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