My parents are away this year for Mothers' Day. Traditionally, we have always spent it together, and it's become quite a special day in the last 11 years of Mothers' Days where I have been a Mum too. This year, however, my parents have gone away for a few weeks and are not going to be here for that day. My kids have informed me that I can choose to do whatever I like - which is pretty big permission coming from young kids lol.....
Yesterday I was on the WW forum and I read a post about the Mothers Day Classic, and thought - what a fabulous idea. I also knew that my dh wouldn't be so excited about it. I read about it, saw pics from previous events, and could imagine myself doing the 7.5km walk, with a view of doing the 4km jog next year - what a great goal to set myself, and also for Billy-Joe to run it with me. Alas my fears were confirmed, dh is far from enthusiastic about the idea. He hasn't even asked me details about it, but he did ask me why I wanted to do it, I said, I thought it'd be fun, it was a great way to raise money, it was something we could all do together, it was different...... So, not to be disheartened, or set back by such disapproval, I decided there would be other events. So I googled to find another. Sure enough there's another in Brisbane later this year, and yes, you guessed it, it's on Fathers Day.....yeah well he's really going to be impressed with that date lol......
I did Week 2, Day 3 on Sunday, on the beach with Billy-Joe. I actually found it quite tough going. We'd done the day before on the Saturday which is against recommendations, but time isn't always my own, so I wanted to make the most of the good weather. I persisted and got through it, and felt awesome when I finished (and that runner's high kicked in!!!) It was hard running in the sand, the tide was fairly high, so hard sand was nowhere to be found. Plus I was pretty aware of not getting the Mizunos wet.
Yesterday I walked to pick up the kids from school, but I took a huge detour so I walked around 5km. I did a strong, fast walk, and my legs were quite sore last night, probably a culmination of exercising hard a few days close together. Today I ran out of time, with housework and visitors, so I gave my legs a good rest. I will do the long walk again tomorrow. I want to increase my fitness, and increase the speed of my weight loss. I feel strong when I finish my sessions - quite empowered.
Another fantastic benefit is the fact that it's something Billy-Joe and I enjoy doing together. That's why I thought entering a race, (fun run) type event would be a really cool goal for us to work toward. I will just keep my eyes and ears open and see what's happening in the future. I don't hold any plans of winning any events, but I just want the satisfaction of actually competing and completing an event.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Mizunos Rock!

My poor old Nikes have seen better days. Not only do they look tired, but the tread is half worn, and they have no cushioning left in them whatsoever. They have served me well, with many hours at the gym, aerobic and pump classes and lots of walks, and often just general comfort. I have had them for four years and was really pleased that I bought them, even though they weren't cheap. I have chronic achilles tendonitis and also have calf problems (on the same side), so correct footwear for me is imperative. I can remember my last shoes, I could barely walk in them, and them my achilles problem was helped more by the new Nikes than the $400+ orthotics which I bought. Mind you I still wear the orthotics, they are quite comfortable. I probably should really have them renewed. My hip problem is - I believe also at the crux of my foot problem. I think it exacerbates the calf and the achilles and also the area on the inside of my foot, around the inside of my ankle bone. Funnily enough I have no pain in my shoes, but have to be careful barefoot or in my house shoes. Anyway, I digress terribly, that was not the topic of my post.
Yesterday morning, I thought to my self, I would really like to go and have a look at Athletes Foot and see about some new walking/running shoes. I also need some new walking gear, as my stuff is looking rather faded and even some of the new stuff is baggy and I like firm pants (without saggy knees in them). I told myself that if I got some extra work within the next four weeks, over and above the contracted work, I would shout myself some new stuff, so perhaps it wasn't wise to go and have a look when I didn't want to spend any money yet. Lo and behold, not ten minutes after my decision, one of the teachers rang me and asked me to work Monday!! Unbelievable!! I also had a phone call from a girlfriend asking me to meet her for coffee and lunch - well if that wasn't a sign, I don't know what was.
I went to Athletes Foot, after a lovely coffee and lunch with galpal Lisa - and the people in there were incredibly helpful. I ended up buying a cool pair of Mizunos. They fitted me like a glove and were soo comfortable, I felt like I was walking on air. I walked out of there in my new Mizunos a very happy camper. I told them of my endeavour to run - said it was one of those dreams I'd harboured for so long, but that I'd often had doubts - I mean are some people just not meant to run?? I am not a born runner, I am not a born athlete full stop. But I have a hope that I can master this. With following the C25k program, slow and easy I think I can do it. They told me at AF to take it easy, and that I would be okay. I read on the WW forums about women trying it all the time, and they weigh much more than I do, some of them over 20kg than me - so I know physically I should be able to do it.
So, I get up this morning, all looking forward to trying out the Mizunos and the new walking gear. (I stopped into Rebel Sports on my way home). I felt the part and dh was constantly groping my rear end, 'cause he said it looked damn good!! Got the family organized, lunch all round, donned the Mizunos and the rain just poured out of the sky!! And it was cold! It was foul!! Stuff it, we decided, take the mobile if it rains darling husband would come and collect us. I went out to the porch to stretch my calf and achillies pre-run and it was so dark that it was obvious it was going to pour again soon.
Peeved, we went inside, I changed into tracksuit pants and ugh boots, resigned to not jogging today - I was so excited too, because Billy-Joe was all pumped to come with me. I sat down at the computer and perused the boards at Cool Runnings.
I kept getting up and staring out all the windows - Billy-Joe was resting and was not happy that I was obviously not relaxed, so he just said, 'How about, we just go?'. What a honey......what a darling child!! We went.
Week 2, Day 1 C25k and we kicked butt. Next time we will take some ventolin, Billy-Joe struggled a bit. I told him that doing this would improve his lung capacity. He was excited and pumped. He even said that he would enter more events at the Sports Carnival and that he was feeling better since we'd started walking together. This is so cool. It's so awesome that we can spend time together like this. He is just the best companion. We just floated home! The hill in Elizabeth St and our St seemed so easy, we both commented on how it didn't feel half as steep as normal.....
And those Mizunos! I know good shoes are important, I'd done enough research to know that, I just didn't believe they would actually make it easier for me. I felt so much more sure footed. I was cushioned underneath and felt more secure in my shoe.
I won't be able to jog this week, anymore, with working four days - it will be Friday before I can go out again. I don't care if the 8 week program takes me 14 weeks, I will just persevere.......
Monday, April 14, 2008
C25K Continues
I have completed another session this afternoon, and feel pretty good about myself. I kind of get that real smug feeling knowing I have exercised and done my body some good. I wasn't keen about going, but the kids were wanting to go to the park, so it was win-win situation all round. They swing and climb, while I jog (read lumber/scuffle) around the park. I finally discovered what all the hype about 'runner's high' was all about.......It really kicked in and felt amazing. I got it when I STOPPED jogging......(mmmm, methinks that's not quite what the running enthusiasts had in mind when they coined that phrase, but for the time being, that's the only 'high' I can find......)
It was a glorious day, so soaked up a good dose of Vitamin D as well.
The weekend went well food wise. I have found that if I don't snack, mid morning or mid afternoon, I have loads of points, and have a couple to bank. I have decided not to eat my exercise points, I will see if that makes a difference. I can go back to eating them once I am on maintenance.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thank you for comments
I didn't realize anyone was commenting on this blog as I wasn't receiving notification, due to an old email addy having been entered. I went to edit the last post and saw there were a few comments. Thank you all so much for taking the time to drop by, read and leave comments. I really appreciate it. Joc it was lovely to see you on here too. I still drop by your blog - probably don't comment enough.
Thanks again, and sorry for coming across rude and not acknowledging your kind words and thoughts before.
Thanks again, and sorry for coming across rude and not acknowledging your kind words and thoughts before.
Have been slack posting, but not slack on my WW journey

On Monday it's seven weeks since I started on this new journey. The time has gone very quickly and I am really pleased with how my change of attitude has helped me this time. As per my usual modus operandi I have plateaued at that 70kg mark. This is my fourth week of staying the same. I am a little frustrated, but nowhere near as I have been the other times. I have bought a new WW set of scales, and they read differently all the time. This morning Bunny cut me a piece of wood, so now they sit on something flat instead of trying to find a flat part on our slate floors. I had already eaten by the time he did that, so didn't want to hop onto the scales again.
I weighed first thing this morning, and all I want to see is 69 point something.......and I don't even want to record anything until I see that!!! I have been 70kg for so long, I need to see that six in the front.
I know that I am losing weight even though the scales don't give me that affirmation. As I needed proof, I decided to measure myself. On the WW forum I am part of a 12 week challenge, where we had to set goals and then report in daily/weekly of our progress. One of the things we had to do was measure ourselves and I wasn't going to measure myself again until the end of the month. My initial measurements were taken on 26/3. I was stunned to see that I have dropped 17 cm off my body........and not a smidgen off the scales. What gives, I don't understand that, it doesn't make sense. Okay, I have been using my weights and walking as much as pain and time allow me to, but that's ridiculous. I was just delighted when I saw those figures, I was amazed.
In regard to plateaus, I read an interesting article in an old Slimming magazine I borrowed from the library. It said that a plateau of 2-3 months is nothing to worry about, and that it was the body settling into it's new weight, and that it also meant that it would stay off better. Sometimes I wonder if this stuff is just phsyco babble, but I will take words or encouragement where I can.
Today I took the kids to a small park down the road and I did the first step of C25K. I did okay. I didn't think I could do it, but I managed okay. I hope to go out again tomorrow. Even though he recommends a rest day, I won't get a chance on Sunday, and I am working three days next week, so that will be out......(Why does work have to get in the way of life) When I came home I did my weights, and used my fitball to do my crunches. I feel like I have done a great workout. I am also not going to eat my exercise points anymore. I think I can still save points for the weekend without eating them. If I go away on the weekend, or there's a special dinner or something, then I will, but that doesn't happen often, and that's life anyway, but for weight loss I will try and not eat them.
I bought a book 'All About me' as recommended by Kirsty.
The book is available through here. It's really cool, as you can write in your daily food, your weights, cardio and abdominal workouts. I love it. So cool to have everything together. Probably a little over priced, but I like it, and it helps to keep me focussed.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Today marks Week 7
I have been on WW now for six weeks. I feel so happy with my decision and my resolve so far.
Every day I feel stronger, every day I feel like I have got the right mind set, and I am trying to analyze it very closely, to see what it is that is making it work this time. This last weekend, was a real test, and I passed it with flying colours.
I have learnt that
* I can control my food intake in all settings
* If I go away, I can find out what food will be on offer and incorporate it into my food journal, before I even get there, so that I can work in foods around it.
* I can make good food choices if the family wants McDonalds. It may cause inconvenience and take more time for me to go elsewhere for food, but I can spend the same points as a small 'healthy' McDonald's meal and have a huge chicken salad roll, which fills me is satisfying and is good for me too.
I am looking forward to the weeks ahead and the changes which are going to take place. I am already wearing jeans which I had put up on the top part of my wardrobe, because I didn't look nice in them anymore. They are actually feeling a little loose - I have no idea when that happened. My pjs which I dragged out to take away for the weekend are permanently tied up, just loose enough that I can pull them down over my hips in the middle of the night for a visit to the loo, but now they threaten to ride down in bed - and I don't want to tighten them just yet - it feels too good to have them loose. If I am wearing a camisole under a top, and I haven't put the top on yet, I feel comfortable and look nice. The Michelin man look is fading and I feel so much better within myself. If I catch myself in a window, I am not upset by the vision.....
I bought new WW scales last week, and even though they weigh heavier, which I knew they would I know I have still lost the same amount of weight and I can 'feel' that I have lost more weight, so I am happy with that.
Every day I feel stronger, every day I feel like I have got the right mind set, and I am trying to analyze it very closely, to see what it is that is making it work this time. This last weekend, was a real test, and I passed it with flying colours.
I have learnt that
* I can control my food intake in all settings
* If I go away, I can find out what food will be on offer and incorporate it into my food journal, before I even get there, so that I can work in foods around it.
* I can make good food choices if the family wants McDonalds. It may cause inconvenience and take more time for me to go elsewhere for food, but I can spend the same points as a small 'healthy' McDonald's meal and have a huge chicken salad roll, which fills me is satisfying and is good for me too.
I am looking forward to the weeks ahead and the changes which are going to take place. I am already wearing jeans which I had put up on the top part of my wardrobe, because I didn't look nice in them anymore. They are actually feeling a little loose - I have no idea when that happened. My pjs which I dragged out to take away for the weekend are permanently tied up, just loose enough that I can pull them down over my hips in the middle of the night for a visit to the loo, but now they threaten to ride down in bed - and I don't want to tighten them just yet - it feels too good to have them loose. If I am wearing a camisole under a top, and I haven't put the top on yet, I feel comfortable and look nice. The Michelin man look is fading and I feel so much better within myself. If I catch myself in a window, I am not upset by the vision.....
I bought new WW scales last week, and even though they weigh heavier, which I knew they would I know I have still lost the same amount of weight and I can 'feel' that I have lost more weight, so I am happy with that.
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