It's nearly two weeks and I am travelling along nicely. My darling husband has looked at me twice today and said I was starting to slim down. While I don't need validation to continue this journey, it sure helps to make me want to keep trying. My clothes already look better and I am excited about being able to wear some things without feeling self conscious. I know I can do this. These ae the tactics I employ to make this successful
- I always prepare my lunch to take to work, as well as my egg salad for dinner on Friday night for scrapbooking. Last night I even included a dessert of diet jelly with diet custard and while the ladies were eating a pizza supper I had that.
- I make sure I buy good varieties of salad, so that it's not dull and boring ice berg. I add delicious sprouts and lots of yummy vegies, I have also discovered the delicious taste of good quality of balsamic vinegar which tastes divine.
- Move myself away from the food table. I did that last night, and also yesterday at work as it was Teachers' Day and there was lots of yummy cake.
I am not hungry, I can honestly say I am not hungry. I feel like certain things sometimes, but I am not going hungry. I normally am starving for my meal times, especially lunch, so that's really good. I don't stress about what I can eat because the list is so small, there' s not much to think about.
The main key though, is preparation. Making sure I don't run out of my yummy salad stuff or the diet dressing. I bought WW cordial the other day and it's really nice. I get sick of water, and even though I love my Pepsi Max, I don't like drinking copious amounts, so the cordial is good. My husband is so encouraging and supportive. We look at recipes together and he knows what I can and can't have.
The next two weekends are going to be difficult. Next weekend won't be as bad as the following week though. The retreat is on, but I am sleeping at home. This saves me packing and I don't have to pay for accommodation. I can also eat my shake at home for breakfast, and have my shake at lunch. The dinner time I will make the best choice. The following weekend is the Food and Wine Convention and that will be much much harder. I am not dieting that weekend, but will endeavour to taste things, as opposed to gourmandizing on them. I am loathe to pay for a week's worth of shakes and then not lose any weight - so I am a little unsure exactly how that weekend will pan out. If I lose even a small amount that would be good. I probably won't weigh in on the Monday either, I will wait a few days.
Off to finish some photo editing and some blog reading.