Friday, March 14, 2008

All's well

No I haven't not been posting because I have fallen off the wagon, quite on the contrary.  I have been doing really well and it doesn't fill every thought of every day like it has done in the past.  I have lost 3.5kg since I started this new WW journey.  

I do wish that I had digital bathroom scales as they would register the smaller losses. I can't see the numbers properly. At this point in time I am waiting for the needle to fall under the 70kg mark. That's something I haven't seen much of in the last nine years or so.  

I am walking, I wish I could walk more, but I managed three times this week which is great, and I hope to get in more over the weekend.  

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Hey Jenny, that's great news. Its also great news that it hasn't been consuming your thoughts, even if it means you are not posting here as often. Better to have fewer posts, and be living in a way that your weightloss efforts dont take over your life. Good job!