Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Weekly weigh in

I weighed in yesterday and was a little disappointed. I certainly didn't expect losses like the first two weeks, but half a kg would have been great. I took my food for Fri night, Sat lunch and a salad to add to Sat night's dinner. I ate a quiche and salad for lunch on Sunday instead of having my shake. I stayed away from all the cake/slices/pizza - so I was happy about that. Saturday night's dinner was roast chicken with roast vegies, I chose to have the chicken and took pumpkin and sweet potato (both not allowed on KM) but didn't take the roast potato or eat bread. I ate my dessert of diet mousse and diet jelly. I had my shakes at home for breakfast and brought in a yummy Gloria Jean's chocolate coffee, so I had something nice while all the girls hooked into their cooked breakfasts. Lunch on Sunday was a quiche which had puff pastry under it, a salad and I had a small serve of flummery which was just delicious. I drank no alcohol, until a couple of small glasses on Sunday night. So, all in all, not bad really, just crammed into a small amount of time, and right before weigh in day. This coming weekend, I am not dieting................It's the food and wine convention, so I think that kind of defeats the purpose. We are really looking forward to it.

Something did happen on the weekend which was an accidental sabotage. Peter bought my salad dressing and didn't check the label, so I just poured it on my salad and it wasn't fat free.......... Oh well, that won't happen again.

Last night's dinner was an old favourite, an Annette Sym recipe. Chicken breast fillets in a baking dish with (the boys had ham and cheese as well) capsicum, mushrooms and salsa. Very very yummy. We had vegies which was a nice change from the phenomenal amount of salad I am eating.

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