Monday, November 26, 2007

Still doing okay

I had some struggles on the weekend. I guess because of the week 6 mark, I had the real 'woe is me' attitude. It's hard going, this dieting business. I really struggled making my entire family nice sandwiches for lunch and I missed out on my shake, because I was going to an afternoon tea at the church. I didn't even have my shake. I had some egg sandwiches in the afternoon which were just delicious.

I lost .4kg this week, so again another good loss. The girls at the chemist were incredibly encouraging, and I am grateful for their support. I feel better for having seen them today. Hopefully next week I will be a 60's girl which will be fabulous. I have another three weeks to go before I revert to my own steam, as my income will stop and I just won't be able to afford the shakes.

I will just take one day at a time - knowing that I can pick myself up and go and talk to someone who is encouraging and helpful and they are also confident in my ability to continue. My darling husband is always steadfast in his support of me. He never says anything, but I wonder if he ever gets sick of me trying to lose weight.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

So good to see you are still having good losses. I know what you mean about getting to the hard end of things too, its when the initial excitement of something new is wearing off, and the losses while still happening, are not as spectacular as the first few weeks either. Stick with it. If there is one thing I have learned about this whole weight loss thing it is that whichever method you choose will only be successful if you stick at it.

Its great to have support too. Its funny I had never heard of this method until you went on it, since then it has been popping its head up everywhere, even being advertised on our local TV.

Its good that your husband is supportive too. Mine used to be a real pain about it, but after some very frank discussions about 18 months ago, he is really supportive now too, it probably helps that for the first time in his life he is carrying some extra poundage (not much compared to me, but in his eyes its a lot) and he is stuggling to get rid of it too (middle age spread maybe lol).

Keep up the great work, and good luck with the 60's.
